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SDK initialization


The central access point to all services is made available through the AeternityService which can be obtained via the AeternityServiceFactory. Necessary parameters to for example identify the network to use or the endpoints to act against, are defined via the AeternityServiceConfiguration.

Of course it is also possible to initialize each Service (such as AccountService or TransactionService) independently by providing the required AeternityServiceConfiguration.

Initialize AeternityService

The following code-snippet is an example how to initialize the AeternityService with a KeyPair recovered from a known private key:

KeyPairService keyPairService = new KeyPairServiceFactory().getService();
KeyPair keyPair = keyPairService.recoverKeyPair(<privateKey>);

AeternityService aeternityService =
        new AeternityServiceFactory()

In many transaction models that you will build for the different transaction types that æternity provides you will need to define the id of the sender or the account that performs the transaction. You can access the address of the KeyPair configured for the AeternityService easily by calling aeternityService.keyPairAddress.

Service Configuration

Within the AeternityServiceConfiguration class, different parameters can be set:

Paramenter Description Default
baseUrl endpoint of the aeternity node
compilerBaseUrl endpoint of the Sophia http compiler
debugBaseUrl debug endpoint of the aeternity node
debugDryRun use debug dry-run endpoint instead of protected dry-run endpoint false
defaultGasPrice default gas price to be used in contract related transactions 1000000000
dryRunGasReserveMargin the reserve margin to use for gasLimit in stateful contract calls (only relevant in the convenience method if dry-run is active) 1.25f
dryRunStatefulCalls perform a dry-run for stateful contract calls by default (only relevant in the convenience method) true
keyPair the KeyPair to use for signing transactions if no KeyPair is provided explicitly -
mdwBaseUrl endpoint the aeternity middleware
millisBetweenTrailsToWaitForConfirmation milliseconds to wait between trials for checking the confirmation 10000L
millisBetweenTrialsToWaitForTxIncludedInBlock milliseconds to wait between trials for checking a tx to be included in a block 1000L
nativeMode native mode builds transaction models with SDK. set to false to build via API call to node true
network network to run against - should be aligned with endpoint of the node Network . TESTNET
numOfConfirmations number of confirmations to wait for accepting a tx (relevance dependent on waitForTxIncludedInBlockEnabled) 10
numTrialsToWaitForTxIncludedInBlock number of trials to wait for a tx to be included in a block (relevance dependent on waitForTxIncludedInBlockEnabled) 60
targetVM the VM to target, since Iris only FATE is supported for new contracts VirtualMachine . FATE
useZeroAddressAccountForDryRun use zero-address-account for dry-run true
waitForTxIncludedInBlockEnabled wait for tx to be included in a block (only relevant in synchronous functions) true