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Plugin configuration


Most of the configuration parameters are shipped with default values, which in almost all cases don't need to be explicitly set. The following list gives an overview over the configurable parameters of the plugin.


This is an example for the minimal required configuration that only provides the required parameters:


Codegen configuration block

The <codegen> configuration block contains the general parameters for the plugin.

Parameter Description Default Sample
initFunctionName Name of the deploy init function to call right after deploy init
targetPackage Java package of the generated contraect classes com.kryptokrauts.contraect.generated
datatypePackage Java package of the generated datatypes com.kryptokrauts.contraect.generated.datatypes
targetPath Generated Java classes will be stored in this folder target/generated-sources/contraect
compilerBaseUrl (*) The base url of the sophia compiler http://localhost:3000
numTrials Number of trials (with 1 sec delay) to wait for transaction to be mined (relevant for stateful calls and the deploy method) 60
directories (*) List of directories to be scanned for contract files <directory>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources\<directory>
contractSuffix File suffix identifying a contract code file aes
resultAbortKey indicates the abort case of a function call, also applies for dryRun call abort
resultErrorKeyindicates the error case of a function call, also applies for dryRun call error
resultRevertKey indicates an revert of a contract deploy revert
dryRunDeployGas gas limit for the contract deploy method 50000

ABI-JSON configuration block

The <abi-json> configuration block defines the json key names which are used to parse the contract code. The listed elements are used to parse the contracts JSON ABI and further transform this into the resulting contract java class. Typically this part of the configuration can be completely ommitted unless the basic layout of the sophia contract ABI does not change.

Parameter Description Default
rootElement key for contract root contract
eventElement key for events events
functionsElement key for contract functions functions
contractNameElement key for contract name element name
payableElement key for contract payable flag payable
stateElement key for contracts state definition state
customTypeElement key for contracts custom types type_defs
functionNameElement key for a custom functions name name
functionReturnTypeElement key for a custom functions return type returns
functionArgumentsElement key for a custom functions arguments arguments
functionArgumentTypeElement key for a custom functions argument type type
functionArgumentNameElement key for a custom functions argument name name
functionStatefulElement key for a custom function flagging stateful type stateful
customTypeNameElement key for a custom types name name
customTypeTypedefElement key for a custom types typedefinition list typedef
customTypeTypedefNameElement key for one custom types typedefintion name name
customTypeTypedefTypeElement key for one custom types typedefinition type type