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æternity naming system


This guide shows you how to perform all the operations that you need within the lifecycle of æternity naming system (AENS) using the SDK. The examples require you to have an initialized instance of AeternityService, see SDK initialization.

If you successfully claimed a name it will expire after 180000 keyblocks (~375 days). You will need to update your name before it expires!

1. Claim a name

Claiming an AENS name requires you (at least) 2 transactions:

  • First you need to perform a pre-claim by providing a commitmentId (hash).
    • The commitmentId is calculated with a random salt and the provided name. The SDK automatically generates the random salt, calculates the commitmentId and includes it into the NamePreclaimTx.
  • After the NamePreclaimTx transaction has been mined you will be able to perform the actual claim of the name. When performing the actual claim via a NameClaimTx you will, depending on the length of the name:
    • immediately become owner of that name
    • initiate an auction


BigInteger salt = CryptoUtils.generateNamespaceSalt();

NamePreclaimTransactionModel preClaimTx =

// the tx will be automatically signed and broadcasted using the configured KeyPair
PostTransactionResult preClaimTxResult = aeternityService


  • After transaction is included, you have 300 keyblocks to broadcast claim transaction with the same salt and it should be signed with the same private key as pre-claim.
    • As the pre-claim is required to avoid front running it is recommended to wait with the actual claim until at least 1 keyblock has been mined so that nobody knows which name you aim to claim.
    • The corresponding claim cannot be included in the same keyblock anyway. The protocol doesn't allow that.
  • You should check if the name is still available before performing a pre-claim. The protocol itself doesn't reject a pre-claim transaction if the name isn't available anymore.
  • As you can see above in the logs the result (preClaimTx) of the aensPreclaim has bound a claim function that you can make use of to perform the actual claim.
    • In case you want to perform the actual claim at a later point you should remember the salt that has been used for the pre-claim


// re-use the salt from the pre-claim here
NameClaimTransactionModel nameClaimTx =

// the tx will be automatically signed and broadcasted using the configured KeyPair
PostTransactionResult nameClaimTxResult = aeternityService


  • The nameFee that is required will be correctly calculated automatically for the initial claim.
    • You can also set it manually but this is only required in running auctions (see below)
  • In case the claim triggers an auction the required nameFee is locked by the protocol.
    • If you win the auction the nameFee is permanently deducted from your accounts balance and effectively burned.
      • It will be credited to ak_11111111111111111111111111111111273Yts which nobody can access. This reduces the total supply of AE over time.
    • If somebody else outbids you the provided nameFee is immediately released and returned to your account.

Bid during an auction

In case there is an auction running for a name you want to claim you need to place a bid.

Get the info about a running auction via middleware

// get auction information
NameAuctionResult nameAuctionResult = aeternityService

// calculate the minimum required fee for the next bid
BigInteger minimumNextFee = AENS.getNextNameFee(

// build, sign & broadcast the bid (NameClaimTx)
NameClaimTransactionModel nameClaimTx =
        .nameSalt(BigInteger.ZERO) // for bids this value needs to be set to ZERO

// the tx will be automatically signed and broadcasted using the configured KeyPair
PostTransactionResult nameClaimTxResult = aeternityService

2. Update a name

Now that you own your AENS name you might want to update it in order to:

  • Set pointers to accounts, oracles, contracts or channels.
  • Extend the TTL before it expires.
    • By default a name will have a TTL of 180000 keyblocks (~375 days). It cannot be extended longer than 180000 keyblocks.
// fake other allowed pointers for some KeyPair
KeyPair someKeyPair = keyPairService.generateKeyPair();
String contractPointer = keyPair.getContractAddress();
String channelPointer = keyPair.getAddress().replace("ak_", "ch_");
String oraclePointer = keyPair.getOracleAddress();
// generate another KeyPair for other pointers
KeyPair anotherKeyPair = keyPairService.generateKeyPair();
// build the NameUpdateTransactionModel
NameUpdateTransactionModel nameUpdateTx =
        .accountId(aeternityService.keyPairAddress) // this account must be owner of the name
        .nameId(AENS.getNameId("userguide.chain")) // get the correct nameId for a name
            new HashMap<String, String>() {
                put(AENS.POINTER_KEY_ACCOUNT, accountPointer); // default pointer-key for accounts
                put(AENS.POINTER_KEY_CHANNEL, channelPointer); // default pointer-key for channels
                put(AENS.POINTER_KEY_CONTRACT, contractPointer); // default pointer-key for contracts
                put(AENS.POINTER_KEY_ORACLE, oraclePointer); // default pointer-key for oracles
                put("arbitrary-account-pointer-key", anotherKeyPair.getAddress());
                    // workaround to set a valid channel id
                    anotherKeyPair.getAddress().replace("ak_", "ch_"));
                put("arbitrary-oracle-pointer-key", anotherKeyPair.getOracleAddress());

PostTransactionResult nameUpdateTxResult = aeternityService


  • You can set up to 32 pointers in total for each name.
  • The name will be extended for AENS.MAX_TTL (180000) by default.

3. Transfer ownership of a name

In some cases you might want to transfer the ownership of a name to another account. Of course this is also possible and you can do that as follows:

// we select a random new owner
KeyPair newOwnerKeyPair = keyPairService.generateKeyPair();
NameTransferTransactionModel nameTransferTx =
        .accountId(aeternityService.keyPairAddress) // this account must be owner of the name
        .nameId(AENS.getNameId("userguide.chain")) // get the correct nameId for a name

PostTransactionResult nameTransferTxResult = aeternityService

4. Revoke a name

In case you want to revoke a name prior to its expiration for whatever reason you can do that as follows:

NameRevokeTransactionModel nameRevokeTx =
                    .accountId(aeternityService.keyPairAddress) // this account must be owner of the name
                    .nameId(AENS.getNameId("userguide.chain")) // get the correct nameId for a name

PostTransactionResult nameRevokeTxResult = aeternityService


  • On revocation the name enters in a revoked state.
  • After a timeout of 2016 keyblocks the name will be available for claiming again.

Delegate signature to contract (AENS interface)

It is possible to authorize a Sophia contract to manage an AENS name on behalf of your account. In order to achieve that you need to provide a delegation signature to the contract. The contract will then be able to use the AENS interface and perform AENS related actions on behalf of your account. This functionality could for example be used to build an AENS marketplace.

The DelegationService can be used to produce the signatures that can be used to delegate control for certain actions to a smart contract.

Examples how to delegate signatures to a contract can be found in our contract-maven-showcase.