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This guide shows you how to perform all the operations that you need within the lifecycle of oracles using the SDK.

1. Oracle: register

You register an oracle that responds with the temperature of the city that is included in the query. This guide uses an example response of

KeyPair oracleKeyPair = ...
BigInteger nonce = aeternityService

OracleRegisterTransactionModel oracleRegisterTx =
        // lives for 5000 keyblocks if it isn't extended
        // using delta instead of fixed block height
        // fee in aettos a caller needs to pay

    oracleRegisterTx, oracleKeyPair.getEncodedPrivateKey());


  • By default the oracle will exist for the next 5000 KeyBlocks.
  • If you intend to keep your oracle running longer you should increase the oracleTtl and/or set up a service that automatically extends the TTL before it expires.
  • The oracleId will be similar to the address of the account that registered the Oracle.
  • The only difference is the prefix that will be ok_ instead of ak_
  • This means that each account can only host 1 oracle. It's not possible to manage multiple oracles using the same account.

2. Some party: query an oracle and poll for response


After the oracle has been registered and as long as it isn't expired, everybody that knows the oracleId can query it.

KeyPair callerKeyPair = ...
BigInteger nonce = aeternityService
String oracleId = "ok_...";
String queryString = "{\"lat\":48.78,\"lon\":9.18}";

OracleQueryTransactionModel oracleQueryTx =
        // fee needs to fit the fee defined by the oracle
        // oracle can respond within the next 50 keyblocks
        // response will be available 100 keyblocks
        // before being garbage collected together with the query

    oracleQueryTx, callerKeyPair.getEncodedPrivateKey());


  • You should fetch (or know) the required fee for the query to the oracle.
  • If you don't provide a sufficient fee the transaction is invalid.

Poll for response

After broadcasting the OracleQueryTx you can poll for the response to that specific query like this:

// using the same nonce and oracleId as like in the OracleQueryTx
String queryId = EncodingUtils.queryId(callerKeyPair.getAddress(), nonce, oracleId);
String response = null;
// wait for the response
while(response == null || response.isEmpty()) {
    OracleQueryResult oracleQueryResult =
        this.aeternityService.oracles.blockingGetOracleQuery(oracleId, queryId);
    response = oracleQueryResult.getResponse();
// do something with the response


  • The OracleQueryResult will only contain the response property if the Oracle responded.

3. Oracle: poll for queries and respond

Poll for queries & respond

Typically the oracle itself polls for its own queries and responds as soon as possible:

// fetch oracle queries
OracleQueriesResult oracleQueriesResult =

// typically the oracle would respond to all queries it didn't already respond to
// in this case it only responds to the first query in the list
OracleQueryResult oracleQueryResult =

String responseString = "{\"coord\":{\"lon\":9.18,\"lat\":48.78},\"weather\":[{\"id\":310,\"main\":\"Drizzle\",\"description\":\"light intensity drizzle rain\",\"icon\":\"09n\"}],\"base\":\"stations\",\"main\":{\"temp\":282.56,\"pressure\":1021,\"humidity\":93,\"temp_min\":279.82,\"temp_max\":285.37},\"visibility\":7000,\"wind\":{\"speed\":4.1,\"deg\":330},\"clouds\":{\"all\":90},\"dt\":1572217099,\"sys\":{\"type\":1,\"id\":1274,\"country\":\"DE\",\"sunrise\":1572156074,\"sunset\":1572192774},\"timezone\":3600,\"id\":2825297,\"name\":\"Stuttgart\",\"cod\":200}";

BigInteger nonce = aeternityService
OracleRespondTransactionModel oracleRespondTx =

    oracleRespondTx, oracleKeyPair.getEncodedPrivateKey());


  • The oracle itself would probably either use an API to get the current temperature for a certain city or ideally directly communicate with measuring devices located in that specific city.
  • If the oracle responds in time it will automatically get the provided query fee credited to its account.

4. Oracle: extend

As mentioned above an Oracle has a certain TTL that can be specified when registering it. You might want to extend the TTL of the oracle before it expires. You can do that as follows:

BigInteger nonce = aeternityService

OracleExtendTransactionModel oracleExtendTx =
        // extend the oracle ttl for another 100 keyblocks

    oracleExtendTx, oracleKeyPair.getEncodedPrivateKey());

Delegate signature to contract (Oracle interface)

It is possible to authorize a Sophia contract to manage an Oracle on behalf of your account. In order to achieve that you need to provide a delegation signature to the contract. The contract will then be able to use the Oracle interface and perform Oracle related actions on behalf of your account. This functionality could for example be used to build an AENS marketplace.

The DelegationService can be used to produce the signatures that can be used to delegate control for certain actions to a smart contract.

Examples how to delegate signatures to a contract can be found in our contract-maven-showcase.