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This guide explains you how to perform a PayingForTx (also known as meta-transaction) using this SDK.

It is a very powerful and efficient solution that is for example crucial for onboarding new users into the æternity ecosystem. By making use of the PayingForTx you will be able to cover the fees of your users.

How it works

Typically somebody that you want to pay the transaction for (e.g. a new user of your decentralized aepp) signs the inner transaction (e.g. of type ContractCallTx) with a specific signature that is used for inner transactions.

You can then collect the signed inner transaction, wrap it into a PayingForTx and broadcast it to the network.

SpendTx in PayingForTx

This is an example how one can cover the transaction fee for another account that simply wants to send some AE:

KeyPair senderWhoDelegates = ...
KeyPair recipient = ...
KeyPair payerDelegate = ...

BigInteger senderNonce = aeternityService

SpendTransactionModel spendTx = 
              .payload("yeah, somebody else payed the tx fee for this transaction =)")

// the inner tx of a PayingForTx needs to be signed with a specific prefix
// the sdk provides the respective method to do this
String signedInnerTx = aeternityService.transactions.signPayingForInnerTransaction(
                                     spendTx, senderWhoDelegates.getEncodedPrivateKey());

BigInteger payerNonce = aeternityService

PayingForTransactionModel payingForTx =



  • This can be done for any tx-type!
  • In the example we assume that the wrapped inner tx is built and signed by a user that interacts with an aepp.
    • The aepp sends the signed transaction to the Java backend which wraps it into PayingForTx and pays the required fee.
  • You can even combine the usage of a Generalized Account with the PayingForTx which provides lots of possiblities!

Contract calls in PayingForTx

If you need to onboard users that don't have any funds you can pay the fee of their contract calls using the PayingForTx. This way your aepp can hide some complexity of using the underlying blockchain and your users don't have to buy AE in order to use your aepp!

Use cases

  • Game developers that want to quickly onboard new users.
  • Governance aepps that want people to vote on important proposals without having them to pay anything.
  • Custodians that want to offer an additional services to cover the transaction fees of their clients.
  • ... many more!